“On, Spartan Warriors, Sweep down the field. Strike down big ___________, Honor our shield. With the Orange and Gray on high, Fight on and win, We’ll do or die. Fight on HP, Pile up the score. When we get through they’ll not ask for more. When the team comes marching home, We’ll cheer them to victory. ”


On her green stands HP High School ‘Neath fair skies of blue. May she ever stand so proudly Glorious to view. Lift the chorus, speed it onward Over hill and dale Hail to thee, our alma mater, HP hail, all hail! Through her halls the memories linger Of our high school days, Comradeship and love and courage, Loyalty and praise. Blest by love of all her children, None will her betray. See her colors proudly waving, Hail the Orange and Gray!”
Written by a teacher, Mrs. Cutright
who was at HP until the early fifties. .


“On her green stands HP High School, 'Neath fair skies of blue. May she ever stand so proudly, Glorious to view. Lift the chorus, Speed it onward, Over hill and dale. Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, HP hail, all hail!
(verse 2)
Through her halls the memories linger Of our high school days-- Comradeship and love and courage, Loyalty and praise. Blest by love of all her children, None will her betray. See her colors proudly waving. Hail the orange and Gray. GO SPARTANS! ”


Source: 1954 Student Handbook Courtesy of
Wally Shidler, HPHS 1957

“Orange and Gray, For sake of you we’ll join the fray, Orange and Gray. For love of you we’ll win the day. With cheer and song, We’re backing you 4000 strong. We’ll fight for you, We’ll win for you Forever to the Orange and Gray be true.”