HPHS Alumni Association

Celebrating 114 Years

of Spartan Pride
Since 1909.

Primary Mission:

Our primary mission is to stay in touch with all registered Alumni.  We have costs associated with the up keep of the HPHSAA website, Constant Contact email fees, Post Office Box and fee required to reserve the picnic park site. Our main source of financial support are New Memberships, donations, and picnic raffle tickets. 

Secondary Mission:

Our second mission is to appeal to donors for "Spirit of Sparta Scholarship Donations" for the students at HPHS. Annually, we have presented scholarships to several deserving seniors, on behalf of alumni donations.


We are an organization of former students, retired staff and friends of Huntington Park High School.  We promote communication, rekindling of former friendships and building new friendships.  HPHSAA also promotes school spirit through events,  student scholarships and provides school services.  This organization is non-sectarian and non-political.


Any HPHS alumnus, former student or retired staff member who has paid a membership or sponsor fee is an official HPHSAA sponsor and member.  Sponsors and Members may vote on any issue and are eligible for election to the Board of Directors.  Sponsorship/Membership terminates upon notification or death of a Sponsor/Member.


HPHSAA is governed by an elected Board of Directors.  The term of service is for one year.
Term of office begins upon election. After each one-year term, Board Members may retire from office, run for re-election to their present office, or stand for election to a different office. 
Sponsor/Members are eligible for nomination to the HPHSAA Board of Directors.
We welcome all Sponsor/Member Nominations for positions on the Board. 
Nominations are accepted in August, no later than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting takes place in September of each year. All interested alumni and friends are invited to attend.
The Nominations Report is read and Elections are held by vote of the Sponsor/Members in attendance


The Annual Meeting takes place in September of each year.  All interested alumni and friends are invited to attend.   The Nomination Report is read and Elections for Board Members for the new Fiscal Year are held by vote of the Sponsor/Members in attendance.

Upcoming events

See what your fellow Spartans and the HPHSAA are up to!